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Install Hysteria Ubuntu 20 +

Hysteria Forever Vercion support Hysteria 1 Hysteria 2 Hysteria mod for zivpn Hysteria 1 -> Legacy Command line apt-get update apt-get upgrade git clone cd Multi-Hysteria-Installer chmod +x install ./instal 🛠️ Jack of all trades Wide range of modes including SOCKS5, HTTP Proxy, TCP/UDP Forwarding, Linux TProxy, TUN - with more features being added

Panel v2ray (3X-UI)

Panel v2ray An Advanced Web Panel • Built on Xray Core Install & Upgrade: bash <(curl -Ls Install legacy Version (we don't recommend) To install your desired version, use following installation command. e.g., ver v1.7.9: VERSION=v1.7.9 && bash <(curl -Ls "$VERSION/") $VERSION SSL Certificate ACM: To manage SSL certificates using ACME: Ensure your domain

Python Bypass Proxy Server

Claro, aquí tienes el contenido que compartiste convertido a Markdown para que puedas usarlo con el plugin WP GitHuber MD y tener un estilo similar al de GitHub en tu post: # A simple server for intranet VPN connections. Can use to send any payload or connection status. ## Usage: ```bash BUFLEN = 4096 *

How to have your own DNS server with dnsmasq

Aquí tienes el contenido convertido a Markdown para que puedas usarlo con el plugin WP GitHuber MD en WordPress, para que tenga el estilo similar al de GitHub: # You can have a simple and easy server to control with dnsmasq Dnsmasq is available on the Ubuntu 20.04 Universe repos. However, before you can install

Install v2ray VPN

Aquí tienes el código convertido, usando el formato adecuado para Markdown: ## a tool to manage v2ray/xray config json, support multiple user && group manage ![V2ray Util]) ## Feature: 1. **Support Xray manage, different commands (v2ray/xray) enter different core management** 2. **V2ray && Iptables Traffic Statistics** 3. **Command line to manage** 4. **Multiple user &&

How to Install Wireguard VPN easy ?

Aquí tienes el código convertido a formato Markdown: ## WireGuard road warrior installer for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Debian 9 and CentOS 7. This script will let you setup your own VPN server in no more than a minute, even if you haven't used WireGuard before. It has been designed to be as unobtrusive and universal

How to install OPENVPN on your VPS ?

Aquí tienes el código convertido a formato Markdown: # PRIVATE VPN EASY **How to have your own fast and secure private vpn.** With this script you can install your own OpenVPN server. Can you do: Multiple VPN accounts for users A single certificate for all clients Allow intranet connection Auth PAM using the user system